Monday, December 24, 2007

A letter to God

    Dear God, first I want to thank you for the good year that I've had. However, I a few request. Now, I know that this might sound a bit needy of me, but hear me out. first, I humbly ask you to help those that are in most need. There are 39 million Americans in the US alone that wake up with very little. Then there are those countless number of people around this globe who can't afford to feed their families, because they can't find work. there are those people who are suffering from sicknesses that do have cures but can't afford to buy them.      

    There are many people who can't send their kids to school, Money is always an issue. Aside from that, I ask that you would help those illegal immigrants who have become the targets of political campaigns that use them to help their political agendas, to help those suffering from racial bigotry who are misguided and need direction. Also, I would ask to help find cures to such diseases such cancer, and lupus and Aids, and many other sicknesses so that no one has to lose someone that they love. And last but not least, If you are so mighty and powerful, please put and end to the wars around the world and let us live in peace. I know you are able to do this, please help. 

Truly yours, A believer!.. Jac. 

PS Thanks for giving me the best family ever.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Gift Cards

Nothing says "I don't really care that much" about someone as a gift card. To me it says, "I really don't want to spend the time on finding what you want". This is a trend that is becoming more and more common. But there is just so many things you can buy someone, as kids get older their likes and dislikes are not as apparent as when they were young kids. Now they expect more expensive toys, like mp3 players, i-pods, computers and even cars. sure, who has the money to buy such expensive gifts, well the very rich perhaps, but us regular folks, well, its just not going to happen. I remember when all we had to do was go to a local toy store, like target or toys r'us, and quickly buy the simple toys, a few dolls for a girl, cars and trains for boys, etc.. but no more. The choices too have become to numerous to even make a quick choice off the shelves, no now it takes planned strategies, a detail plan to find the child a gift that not only gives countless hours of fun, but now toys are expected to educated as well as provide fun.
So, instead of spending countless hours wondering around the malls like a lost soul, buying a gift card is not such a bad idea, this way, if they don't like what they get, hey its their own fault.
Merry Christmas.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Why do dogs bark at the wind?

My dogs, Spencer and Tasha have a peculiar habit. they like to bark at the wind. Perhaps they can hear something we humans can't but what? only thing you can hear outside is the traffic from either the 405, 5, or 118 freeways, which by the way is our boundaries. We have three freeways as perimeters about our neighborhoods. But the dogs can hear things which I cannot possibly hear. Either that, or they are both suffering from some kind of noise neurosis that makes them nervous and they find the need to bark. But the weird thing is, they do it in turns. When Spencer is barking for example, Tasha simply ignores it, and just watches Spencer go for it, like a mindless lunatic. Its amazing to watch. they seem to have a preference of which noise they will bark at. Tasha prefers to bark at cat noises, while Spencer barks at his own farts.

If only they would bark at the intruders who knock at our door trying to sell us a years supply of carpet shampoo, or those annoying newspaper sales people. Not to mention those Real Estate canvassers who leave their paraphernalia at our doors. Now that's something to bark at. Perhaps I'll join the dogs for a session of barking at the wind!.....Aaaoooooooouuuuu!!!!!!!!

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Food for Thought

When you can enjoy a good breakfast on a Saturday with you family, life is truly good. when you don't have to get up and go to work, but instead you can wake up at what ever time you wish, life is grand. To be able to sit and watch the news on CNN or listen to them on NPR, then life is even better. What better way to enjoy your breakfast than with a nice hot cup of coffee and a hot biscuit with butter and jelly to top it off.
Life is good.

Tripple XXX

You be surprise what three letters can bring to ones blog site. If I use these three letters, XXX, brings out the freaks from all corners of the Internet. If you were looking for something other than a blog, you are in the wrong place.
to get what you want, you'll have to go else where, this is not for you. Here all you will find is honest writing about learning, thinking with the head on your shoulders.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

A Mother lives on



  The end of life comes faster for some than others, and with it much grief is left behind. When it happens to someone one knows, or even closer like a parent, a father or even worse, a mother it can be devastating. Many men or boys are especially close to their mothers, and yours truly was no exception. Death arrives slowly sometimes and faster other times. Which is better? 

    There is no good way of loosing a loved one, no good way of seeing your mother decay day by day, knowing that soon she will be gone, not able to comfort you with that sweet way of caring that only a mother can do. She will not be able to see you graduate from college, or see her grandchildren finish high school. And, she will be unable to attend Christmas with the rest of the family, and we will no be able to enjoy having mom around to make her special meals that only she could ever cook, like no one else could. 

    On some days while sitting quietly, you will swear you can still hear her calling your name, and you will turn around only to see and empty sofa chair where she might have been sitting some time, not long ago. But a mother never actually dies, sure her presence is not visible, but her memories of what she represented lives within us all, the way she told us to turn off the lights when we leave a room, to pick up your socks instead of leaving them in the living room, yes she still lives, because every time your turn off the lights, she is there. Every time you eat a meal, not made by mom, you'll remember that she always could make it better. A mother will forever be with us, she may have gone, but as long as we remember her, she will never perish. 

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Piano Night!!!!

I love to play the piano. I am not very good at it yet, but I find it so much easier than the guitar. I've tried to teach myself the guitar for many years, and I've taken several guitar courses, but I always felt that I am not very proficient with it. I still love guitar music, particularly blues. There is nothing like hearing Hendrix play his red house blues on his stratocaster. But ever since I got me a piano I have managed to make so much more progress with it than I ever did with the guitar. It has its own appeal that is so different from the guitar. In class tonight I had to play a simple little piece of "over the rainbow", not a very long version, but enough to show some F sharps and a couple of chords, but I managed to impress my teacher so much she wanted to do a duet. That's when things went sour for me. I could not hear her part, therefore I could not keep time with her playing. Finally I told her maybe I was not quite ready for that as yet, but I did appreciate the gesture. Now, if I can just get the hang of the "Can Can".. I just can't see to get it..;)..

Educational Waste

A mind is definitely a terrible thing to waste. Yet, so many kids are doing just that everyday in classrooms today. To many of them are coming to class and letting time go by without trying to learn anything. Many just say they are there because they have to, but would not come to school if they did not have to. Some are there because well, they come to socialize with friends, not to waste their time with something they think, or know they will never use in real life. To a point, I agree. Some of us can come up with clever arguments as to why they need to learn how to solve a right triangle, or an algebraic equation, or how fast a car accelerates in a given time, etc. But to many teachers do not do that, or have equally given up on trying to teach kids. Many just go through the motions, follow a given pacing plan that was handed down from above, and wait for the bell to ring.

To make things worse, a new report came out about reading just yesterday on NPR. according to the report, more kids are reading less, every year. Adults on average read no more then four books per year, and this among the avid readers. The average male reads less than one book per year, or non at all. This is a scary thought, because reading is the key to a better paying job in the future. The more reading is done during the earlier years, the better they will get to do in school, including college. I strongly believe that if we are to improve our kids math scores, we must first improve their reading levels.

Friday, November 16, 2007

I Ponder why

Ever wonder why a top that is spinning will not tip over until it stops spinning?..

or if you hang a bycicle wheel on a rope spinning it will spin vertically, until it slows down, then it falls over limp..

here is a good one, everyone has seen a figure skater spin with her arms open, then when she moves her arms inward, she spins faster, then moving her arms out agains slows her down again.. hmmm..